Launch Date: 2nd Januaru 2023

Resine Limited are a family run business with over 20 years excellent service in residential, commercial and Industrial flooring looking to generate more enquiries and offer a more professional look to the business.

This was a complete setup from start to finish. The Logo was the starting point as always get that right and everything else just falls in to place. This was a new business for a flooring specialist going out alone and it was more about guiding and opening what could be achieved to help grow the business. The customer wanted the site up and running with our initial SEO and would take on their own SEO updating for the first year.

    Score Explained:
      • This is agood score for the customer to build on.
      • This is a good score and only let down by a couple of lines of text that google consider too small on mobile devices.
      • This a great score for this let down by the overall page size but everything is needed on the page to encourage enquiries and the service they offer requires the information to be full for customers to fully understand.
      • Due to the comapny targeting Facebook and Instagram this is the best score we could achieve.
      • What can i say but this is perfect obviously security is so important and this is the first thing we work on to ensure future security